Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, Suspension of Use of Personal Data

If you wish to disclose, correct, add, delete, or stop the use of your personal data, we will respond to your request as soon as possible after confirming your identity.


Cookies are used to collect information about some of the content on this site.

Cookies are recorded in the user's computer when the user visits the site.

However, the recorded information does not include any personally identifiable information such as user names or e-mail addresses.

We may also use this information to analyze the type of services that users are interested in and to deliver effective advertisements on the Web.


Copyrights to the information on this site are not relinquished.

Unauthorized reproduction or use of the content, text, images, etc. is strictly prohibited, except for use within the scope of quotations as permitted by copyright law.


When you are transferred from this site to other sites by links, banners, etc., we assume no responsibility for the information, services, etc., provided on those sites.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the content and information on this site is as accurate as possible, it is possible that erroneous information may have been included, or that information may be out of date.

However, please be aware that erroneous information may be included and that information may be out of date.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This site will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information, and will review and improve this policy from time to time.